About Us 关于
師公廟自1984年就开创至今,已有38年. 師公廟的宗旨以济世为怀,出钱出力,短短30余年头内,为无数的善信解除各种各样的疾病及妖邪.
師公廟在每天晚上 9时30 分开始为善信提供问事服务, 不收分文. 善信也可前往静坐修炼或是请师父练天神法.
We are a non-profit organization helping public on health, spiritual and black magic related matters.
Founded in 1984.We provide free services on medical & spiritual consultation, including exorcism and black magic healing. We promote charity works and help across the society.
All SERVICES IS GIVEN FREE OF CHARGES.(F.O.C.). CASES & SERVICES is given upon request & with no prejudice and discrimination.