Tien Shen 天神

What is Tien Shen ?

TIEN SHEN was brought and manifested in Penang, MALAYSIA in the year 1979 not by any mortal human but by Heavenly Gods and Deities due to a group of close friends who had knowledge and abilities in most teachings and schools of wrongful and misconduct activities related to mediumships , spiritual ceremonies , illegal indulgence in various betting and lotteries acquired through temples, shrines, and graveyards. One day, they stole and smuggled out a Very high ranking and powerful Heavenly God statue from a very ancient temple for betting and prediction of lucky draws not realizing that after all the years of their misadventures and disrespectful of Gods& Deities, they incurred the wrath of Heaven and they the three of them who were seniors and spiritually for many days and was individually reprimanded, educated and shown the true teachings, powers, wisdoms, travelling out of their bodies to Heaven Palace , Hell and other Heavenly Realms of Gods & Deities, do's & don'ts of praying method and materials, blessed with spiritual third eye abilities, etc.
They were told thereafter 3 of them will be pioneers to lead and introduce “Tien Shen” teachings and methodology into the world starting from Penang. Thus Tien Shen has arrived on earth “Karmically Times and Founded by Heaven and not any mortals on earth. 
Since 1979 - Tien Shen teachings spread throughout the world with practitioners and members running into tens of thousands and from people of various races and nationalities.
1984 - Soo Kong Beow temple was set up in Penang, Malaysia and till today it has more than 10,000 members worldwide.

什么是天神/ 何谓天神



那么天神派所炼之法与其他派别有什么不同呢?比喻跳乩派,他们办事是必需经过摧咒,敲锣打鼓, 穿神袍,拿刀枪等等用具。而其他炼法之派别,必需许愿发誓,而许愿发誓的一切后果,是不能一定的,好像绝后、穿破衣等等,同时他们还有种种禁忌,如殓房、产房,穿孝服者都不能接近。天神派的炼法都没有上述等等禁忌。

天神派的练法又是怎样的呢?首先有心要来请师父炼天神法者,必需点九枝清香向东方恭请万岁爷作主,弟子或信女,姓甚名谁,今年几岁家住何方,今天请师父的目的是什么 (用心默祷即可),然后将香进于万岁爷炉中,师公庙的理事员就会凭师公的指示,请一个师父给他,师父是谁,不是我们自己选的,而是上天所安排的。


起初饮清水一杯坐于椅中,双手合十, 闭目 (因为开始修炼时,心神不能集中,怕周围事物影响,故此暂时闭目),心中默叫师父名字 (如叫师父名字;弟子或徒儿恭请某某某师父来教弟子或徒儿清修, 一次即可) 过后一切顺其自然,如摇动身体或手。


第一合十时,身体各个部分会摇动,第二开手时,手势会做出种种神明惯用的动作,第三开口时,会有一种好像哨子的声音从口中响出来,不过这种声音不是吹口哨,而是一种由丹田直透口中吹的。称之为佛语或有法力的声音。同时也会从口中直接会念出经来 (这些佛语或经文是不用记住的,是无字可看可读的,而是自然而然念出的),第四个步骤就是通,也就是说师父与徒弟已能沟通,徒弟所问的事,师父能回答,同时师父所吩咐的事,徒儿也能明白。


修炼要注意的事是在修炼时看到师父或其他庙友的师父或其他神明,要记住,先问明师父,可不可以说出来 (因为这可能是天机,我们称呼能够看到上述事件者为天,不称阴阳眼。



我们身体如果有病,师父就能给徒弟医病,我们有了师父,邪物、 降头等就不能近身。


